nemesis 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2010 Teraz tylko czekać na przebicie dołków i cała naprzód. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2010 Też bym tak chciał, szczególnie że już na Realu gram :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiecu123 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2010 na odbicie poczekajmy bo musi spaść bo na minusiku jestem :( też na real gram heh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemesis 0 Report post Posted May 27, 2010 Po zmianie SL w nocy, rano pozycja zamknęła się na -4 pipsy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted May 27, 2010 Jest ULTRA SILNY sygnał korekty na H4. Teraz twardo i nieustępliwie czekam na sygnał powrotny na Daily żeby włączyć się do trendu, chyba że będziemy mieli odwrócenie i kilkumiesięczny ruch w górę. Może się z tym zejść nawet do kilkanastu dni. Ale już taki mój styl że długo czekam a potem zbieram cały silny ruch w jednej pozycji... pozdrawiam grających w Realu, to ciężki sport, nie dajcie się emocjom i.. NEVER SURRENDER! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2010 Jak myslicie, to juz ten moment gdy jedziemy do dolu? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) Witam moi drodzy. Według mnie mamy zakończoną konsolidację, przebite dołki i idziemy na spadki. Impuls dały dane Non Farm Payroll. Ciekawostką jest to że już na godzinę przed publikacją danych mój template dał silny sygnał na S.... (który zgodził się z poziomem 50% zniesienia 8 letniego Fibbo...)Generalnie dobrze jest dołączać się np w pierwszy piątek miesiąca bo wtedy własnie (o 14.30) publikowane są dane NFP które silnie trzęsą rynkiem co w praktyce oznacza przełamanie lub wzmocnienie trendu. Wszedłem na sprzedaż przy 1.2027 SL 1.2165, dzwignia 1:500, pips po 0.35 zeta. Edited June 4, 2010 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2010 A tutaj screen z mojego konta demo o którym troszkę ostatnio zapomniałem ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2010 UPDATE 01:01 am Przeprowadziliśmy z kumplem małe study, obaj różnymi metodami. Kumpel pojechał Minerem i falami Elliotta, ja klasycznie Fibbo. ja: opór na 1.1648 kumpel: opór na 1.1605 jeśli przebijemy to w dół, to: ja: opór na 1.1206 kumpel: 1.1220 i 1.12xx to jest ostatni poziom spadku jaki prognozujemy. Potem ruch w górę. Czas pokaże czy mieliśmy rację. Póki co mam nadzieję że pierwsze pipsiorki wpadną. Jak na razie na otwartej jest git, po mojej myśli. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 6, 2010 BREAKING NEWS!!! EURUSD otworzył się z gapem 40 pipsów w dół!!! Ciekawy artykuł z DailyFX Euro Takes the Next Step towards Crisis, Slips to Four Year Lows.How can this happen to an economy that have been backed by a 750 billion euro guarantee? Having danced around a meaningful support level for two weeks (the midpoint of EURUSD’ historical range), the market’s most liquid currency pair finally took the next step down into the abyss. Fundamental Forecast for Euro: Bearish- ECB warns of loan losses, financial troubles for Europe going forward - Overnight deposits with the ECB rise to a record high 320.4 billion euros as fear grows - German employment improves for the 11th consecutive month How can this happen to an economy that have been backed by a 750 billion euro guarantee? Having danced around a meaningful support level for two weeks (the midpoint of EURUSD’ historical range), the market’s most liquid currency pair finally took the next step down into the abyss. The fundamental drive for this unfavorable move: concern over the financial health and stability of the regional economic and monetary union. It may seem trivial that a European Union as peripheral as Hungary can pose a significant threat to the entire system; but the group is on such shaky ground that even a small spark can set off a disastrous fire. Is a serious default or the exit of a major EU member on the horizon? Will authorities actually move in to prevent such an event? The answer to these questions could define the future of the shared currency. To be clear, the situation in the European Union has not improved material over the past three or so weeks; it just so happens that risk aversion had eased and the regional economy was no longer the subject of constant scrutiny. This disregard of future uncertainties wouldn’t last for long though. Either conditions would have to materially improve or the reality of Europe’s situation would simply await the next tumble in sentiment. Naturally, with investors still adjusting to the reality that global growth was leveling off and yield forecasts were barren; it is no surprise that speculative assets and fundamentally weakened currencies would pitch lower. This time around, however, it was news from the Euro Zone that would catalyze sentiment rather than the other way around. Little more than a month in power, the new Hungarian government has said the former administration had “manipulated” figures and “lied” about the state of the economy. This has put the nation in a “grave” position; and it has been suggested that a default is not an exaggeration at this point. These are loaded comments when officials around the region are attempting to tread carefully. Clearly, anything less than cheerleading can accelerate disaster. But what impact could a Hungarian default have on the European Union and the euro? Hungary is not a particularly large economy and it is not part of the Eurozone. However, a default on its debt can prove a crippling blow to something more important than debt obligations themselves: confidence. A default from this economy could theoretically translate into losses for neighbor economies that have exposure to Hungary’s debt. Yet, the sting of actual losses is not even that important. For investors, trouble for this particular economy can easily be construed as regional problems (it isn’t difficult to convince the masses of this given the circumstances). With capital flowing away from Europe and into US, Asia and other liquid regions, the withdrawal of liquidity forces borrowing costs for other struggling EU nations (think Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Italy, etc) higher. That only further exacerbates the struggle these economies face in balancing deficit cuts and economic recovery. And, should the emergency credit line be put to the test, we would likely see that few have the means to lend and those that do would likely renege as they see the problem overwhelm the solution. In the long-term, the EU’s solvency and unity are the primary concerns for the euro. However, this is a matter that could take considerable time to unfold. In the meantime, risk appetite will treat the euro as if it were at the top of the risk spectrum – the most sensitive to risk aversion at least. As for scheduled event risk, the ECB rate decision is top concern. There is no chance of a rate hike according to the markets and economists (overnight index swaps only see a total of 30 bps over the next 12 months). On the other hand, it is highly likely that we will see reference in the statement that follows and Trichet’s commentary to the EU’s financial and economic uncertainties. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 11.06.2010, 21:55, Buy @ 1.2092 :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 (edited) 17.06.2010: Cena: 1.2336, pipsów: 244 Wszystko wskazuje na to że celem otwartej długiej będą okolice 1.2680. Po drodze spodziewam się oporu na 1.2450 pozdro ;) & keep trading & never surrender ;) Edited June 17, 2010 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiecu123 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 no to na zarabiasz :) heh ja czekam aż zacznie spadac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 ale wystrzeliło do góry , aktualny poziom 1.2391 przebiło 1.2400, czekamy na rozwój sytuacji Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiecu123 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 no czekamy czekamy 1.2440 i myślę ze spadnie wtedy short :) hehe turbotrzcina Tobie już wystarczy ;] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Ueee tam, starczy ;), zamiast mędrkować mi tu, było wchodzić idealnie na Buy przy 1.2338... Teraz czekaj na 1.2450, tam powinny sie dziać ciekawe rzeczy ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 Między 1.2520 a 1.2620 będę wzmagał czujność - może być odwrócenie tego krótkiego ruchu w górę i powrót do trendu spadkowego. Keep trading ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiecu123 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 do 1.2620 to nawet nie dojdzie ;] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 do 1.2620 to nawet nie dojdzie ;] To się okaże Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 Jeszcze raz moje typy: 1.2450 (22.06) a potem przedział 1.2550-1.2680 (24.06) i wtedy należy myśleć o odwróceniu w shorta. W długim terminie w okolicach typuję 1.14 w okolicach 21 września. Czas pokaże, wszak dopiero raczkuję w te klocki ;) Keep trading. pozdro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 20, 2010 Gap w górę 80 pipsów jesteśmy na 1.2450 ;) troche wcześniej niż planowałem :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiecu123 0 Report post Posted June 20, 2010 wrrr nie zdążyłem kupic za szybko wybilo :/ pocieszenie szybko rosnie to i szybko spadnie :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 20, 2010 Daj Pending Buy przy poziomie 1.2380 z jakims malym SL np 15 pips. I załóż wreszcie konto micro w AS bo za szybko się wyzerujesz :] i oby dalej, na 1.2550 i wyżej ;) UPDATE: pending buy 1.2375 SL 1.2355, cos takiego ja osobiscie bym probowal.... Dobrej nocy Keep tradin' mate... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konto usunięte 0 Report post Posted June 21, 2010 Na żartobliwie: KUPUJTA teraz bo następny przystanek prawdopodobnie na 1.2509 ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemesis 0 Report post Posted June 21, 2010 Na testowym koncie na m30 otworzyłem longa, ale na D1 czekam na okazję na krótką. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites